2016-05-10 小文字前言
- merge按顺序合并两个Observable发出的数据
- zip按顺序打包两个Obserable发出数据的合体;
在阅读了RxJava Essential和Reactivex.io上的解释后,还是很难理解,官方的示例图也是基本没看明白:
总算皇天不负有心人,在反复查阅英文资料后终于在Rx的起源处C# Rx中找到了能理解的说明http://www.introtorx.com/uat/content/v1.0.10621.0/17_SequencesOfCoincidence.html#Join
When left produces a value, a window is opened. That value is also then passed to the leftDurationSelector function. The result of this function is an IObservable<TLeftDuration>. When that sequence produces a value or completes then the window for that value is closed. Note that it is irrelevant what the type of TLeftDuration is. This initially left me with the feeling that IObservable<TLeftDuration> was all a bit over kill as you effectively just need some sort of event to say 'Closed'. However by allowing you to use IObservable<T> you can do some clever stuff as we will see later.
So let us first imagine a scenario where we have the left sequence producing values twice as fast as the right sequence. Imagine that we also never close the windows. We could do this by always returning Observable.Never<Unit>() from the leftDurationSelector function. This would result in the following pairs being produced.
Left Sequence
L 0-1-2-3-4-5-
Right Sequence
R --A---B---C-
0, A
1, A
0, B
1, B
2, B
3, B
0, C
1, C
2, C
3, C
4, C
5, C
As you can see the left values are cached and replayed each time the right produces a value.
举例来说,如果某一时刻B发射了一个数据“B”,此时A已经发射了0,1,2,3共四个数据,那么我们的合并操作就会把“B”依次与0,1,2,3配对,得到四组数据: 0, B 1, B 2, B 3, B